How Do I Install My JBC Presets?
I have some helpful tutorials in the links below.
Please locate the one that is best for your phone/device. I know sometimes it helps to be able to see someone else walk through the process, and that’s exactly what I did here. It’s kind of like you are looking over my shoulder while I install the presets.
**IMPORTANT** Your download link contains two sets of presets. One for Mobile (.dng) and one for Desktop (.xmp). Make sure you select the mobile ones.
Updated IOS iPhone Users - If your iPhone has the new IOS update and can unzip files for you...you can follow along with this tutorial.
iPhone instructions using the Unzip App – Download and Install the presets directly on your iPhone using the Unzip App.
AirDrop – This tutorial will show you how download and Install the presets using your laptop and airdrop. (This is usually the fastest way to install them, but if you don’t want to use a laptop…go to back the Unzip tutorial.)
Dropbox – Download and Install the presets using Dropbox. This is the most time consuming method, but it does work. :)
Android tutorial - Download and install your presets on your Android or Google phone with this video tutorial.